AR Controller¶
The AR Controller is used to control your AR Goggles wirelessly. You can draw anything you wish into an overlay that will be visible as long as you're wearing the goggles.
To link your goggles to an AR Controller, right click it with them in your hand. Multiple Goggles can be linked to one Controller.
The AR Goggles are currently slightly buggy. Sometimes, they just don't do what they should do. We will rework the AR System in 0.8r/1.0r
Peripheral Name | Interfaces with | Has events | Introduced in |
arController | AR Goggles | No | 0.5b |
While the Controller is in relative mode, it interprets all coordinates as if they were on a virtual screen of the size you specified, and then scales them according to your screen size.
All color values are hexadecimal color codes (for example 0xff00ff
Everything that is painted onto the canvas remains there until clear()
or if the element is removed using clearElement(id)
, however, it might be repositioned if relative mode is toggled on or off.
clear() -> void
Clears the entire canvas.
clearElement(id: string) -> void
Clears the element with the given id
horizontalLine(minX: number, maxX: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
Draws a horizontal line in the given color from minX to maxX at vertical y.
horizontalLineWithId(id: string, minX: number, maxX: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as horizontalLine()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
verticalLine(x: number, minY: number, maxY: number, color: number) -> void
Draws a vertical line in the given color from minY to maxY at horizontal x.
verticalLineWithId(id: string, x: number, minY: number, maxY: number, color: number) -> void
The same as verticalLine()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
drawString(text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
Draws the given string to the specified position with the specified text color.
drawStringWithId(id: string, text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as drawString()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
drawCenteredString(text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as drawString()
, but centers the string horizontally around the specified position.
drawCenteredStringWithId(id: string, text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as drawCenteredString()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
drawRightboundString(text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as drawString()
, but the string is positioned with its right end at the specified position.
drawRightboundStringWithId(id: string, text: string, x: number, y: number, color: number) -> void
The same as drawRightboundString()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
drawItemIcon(itemId: string, x: number, y: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
Draws the given item to the specified position.
drawItemIconWithId(id: string, itemId: string, x: number, y: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
The same as drawItemIcon()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
drawCircle(x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
Draws a circle without filling it.
drawCircleWithId(id: string, x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
The same as drawCircle()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
fill(minX: number, minY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, color: number)
Fills a rectangle with the given color from the corner minX, minY to maxX, maxY.
fill(id: string, minX: number, minY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, color: number)
The same as fill()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
fillCircle(x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
Draws a full circle.
fillCircleWithId(id: string, x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: number) -> void
Added in version 0.5.2b
The same as fillCircle()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
fillGradient(minX: number, minY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, colorFrom: number, colorTo: number) -> void
Draws a rectangular gradient from colorFrom to colorTo with the given corners.
fillGradientWithId(id: string, minX: number, minY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, colorFrom: number, colorTo: number) -> void
The same as fillGradient()
, but has an id so it can be overridden later on or can be completely cleared.
isRelativeMode(): true, number, number | false
Returns true and the size of the virtual screen if relative mode is active, or just false if it isn't.
setRelativeMode(enabled: boolean, virtualScreenWidth?: number, virtualScreenHeight?: number) -> void
Activates or deactivates relative mode. Requires virtual screen width and height if it is being enabled.
Use negative coordinates to specify an x value from the right end of the screen or a y value from the bottom!
Example 1¶
Olfi01 made a simple script that shows the current date and time in the top right corner of the screen and updates every second.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
Example 2¶
Olfi01 made another script to draw .nfp files, which you can draw with the paint program, in cc in your HUD.
First, we have a script with more adaptability. You can define x, y, width and height.
Script 1: Github
And we have another script which depends on the script above, but is simpler to use.
Script 2: Github
Added fillCircle
, drawCircle
and drawItemIcon
Added the AR Controller and Goggles, made by Olfi01#6413